Sunday, June 13, 2010

One month later ....

I can hardly believe that it has been a month since I have been here. Time is flying by so fast. I am doing my best to take in everything and get the most from this experience. We are right now in the middle of Winter here, and by Winter I mean a Canadian summer. It does cool off here, the houses aren’t made with insulation and electric furnaces so at night time you do feel the chill. All will be proud to know that this life long city girl has learned to make a fire from limited supplies and resource, that is one of the many things you learn here is to be resourceful. There is no real such thing as garbage; there is a use for it … while they don’t recycle here … that is a Western thing for sure they do not waste.

A common question I have been getting from people back home is “have you eaten anything ridiculous yet?” and to that I have to answer no … nothing extreme however I did promise to take in all parts of this experience so if something is placed in front of me way out of left field I will try it. The most different thing I have eaten so far Is mutton … apparently its aged sheep, It tasted fine but I had a hard time finishing it once I found out what it was. The other story that comes to mind was when I was visiting the house of a pastor in the community for a women’s bible study and they were busy prepping for a meal. The other women from the study were asked to bring food a lot like a pot luck we would have at home, so in walks this women and she pulls a life chicken out of her bag. And right there snaps its neck and proceeds to pluck it etc. I thought I was seeing things but from the corner of my eye I could see feathers flying in the kitchen and the chickens last squawk before its head was in the bowl …..

The young boy Bennelli I had asked for prayer for is doing a lot better we really thought he was at deaths door but God brought him back to us … in fact he is back at school and I am teaching him English and Computers as well, he’s too sick to be in public school so we have a school here on the farm for the kids that are either In too poor of health to walk 20 miles to school or kids that are developmentally challenged and are way behind in learning we adapt a plan here and teach them. So the praise goes to God for saving our Bennelli once again, its amazing though this young boy has prepared himself for God to take him and he’s content to live as he is, he is a pure picture of Grace and trust in God. He’s so at peace at the thought of death, he truly looks at death as a chance at a new life. Keep him in your prayers. And Thank You for your prayers.

Every Thursday we go into the community and bring medical help to the people that can’t get medical attention, you just roll up your sleeves and help in anyway you can. A bulk of the illness is just from poverty and we do what we can but we pray for every person that passes through our clinic. We went on a tour of the hospital and prayed, its such a place of helplessness that all a person can do really is just pray. We visited the children’s ward and my heart broke, myself and my roommate found ourselves in an area called Ward 8 that is the place where abandoned children are, some have mental and physical disabilities and for that reason they are left abandoned and others were left abandoned for reasons un known. It’s a sad sight but once a week myself and roommate Kirsty are going to bring in life, love on the kids, and be Jesus to them the best way we can.

Other then that, life is good, God is so good. I am learning daily what it is to have a relationship with God.

Also a side note I want to wish my sister Sam a Happy Birthday!!! Gods richest blessings on you!

Thank you for your prayers and support! Keep them coming.

Much love and blessings,


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