Sunday, August 1, 2010

Half Way Mark

I can hardly believe that I have reached the half waypoint, it’s amazing and surreal but it saddens me a bit because my next major milestone here will be one of completion. While life is busy and lots happen day to day it is getting increasingly harder to write my blogs because so much of what I want to say just doesn’t translate in written word, these stories are meant to be told aloud. Would you believe that after three months I have moments (regularly) where I still can’t believe I am in Africa having the honor to serve in this nation. Seriously.

So what is new, most of my jobs that I have mentioned in previous posts are the same, I still weekly work through a grief class with a group of kids, weekly I minister to the women of the community both in a church study and a women’s refuge center. I still teach the Teen Challenge students as well as help mentor and teach kids here on the farm. But soon my schedule will start to look a little bit different and some jobs will change. I have been prayerfully asked by the leadership team here to be the Volunteer Director, in short the position is kind of like the job of dean of students – I will be moving out of the house I am currently living in and moving into one of the girls homes. This house has about 8 girls in the age range of 18-21 some were orphans on the farm others Teen Challenge students, they are to old to be in a house with a house mom so they are moved into what they call a "halfway house" its teaching them life skills etc. to prepare them for when they are ready to leave the farm. I have developed a close relationship with these girls and God has placed them heavy on my heart, this was a divine answer to prayer really and I am so excited about it. Another side to that job is also me training up a Swazi women to do the job or mentoring/parenting when I leave.

Last week I had the honor to be a part of my first community feeding station, for 2 days many loaves of bread were baked in our mobile kitchen and 10 massive pots of soup were made, a ministry Soccer tournament was the draw for people to come as well the food. We served many. First prize for the winning soccer team was a goat, second place 4 chickens and third place was 2 chickens. Only in Africa. As you can see in the pictures I had the once in a lifetime opportunity to take in Kruger Wild Animal Park with my roommates, we saw Elephants, giraffes, zebra’s, rhino’s, and hippo’s. It was surreal to see all of these animals roaming around in their natural habitat. It was a great three days we were all blessed. That about sums things up for now please keep me in your prayers and continue to pray for the ministry it is growing and God is moving. Much love and blessings, Danene

1 comment:

  1. Danene! I miss your face!!!!!!

    I love reading your posts. You write well.

    Please say hello to Kirsty. I pray that she is falling madly in love with the King.

    Love you friend!
